The Risk Episode

After touching on the topic of risk in many other episodes of this podcast, David and Blair finally take a full episode to discuss at length the role of risk in entrepreneurship.

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David Baker
Open Book Management

Blair gets David to admit that he was kind of wrong about open book management being just a fad when he originally wrote about it almost two decades ago, and David offers ways that it can actually improve relationships with both employees and clients when used appropriately.

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David Baker
If I Were Starting Over

David and Blair take turns asking each other questions about what they each would do differently if they were going to start a new firm today based on what they know now.

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David Baker
The X-Factor

Blair gives David some homework to identify patterns in the principals of creative practices who are successful and have that "je ne sais quoi."

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David Baker
Hacking Heuristics

Blair leads a discussion on how clients tend to take mental shortcuts in making business decisions, and how we can nudge clients without manipulating them to make a decision that is in their best interest.

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David Baker
Collaborating with Competitors

David and Blair compare each other's competitiveness, and then offer some specific ways principals can actually collaborate with their competitors as a part of building beneficial business relationships.

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David Baker
What Good Clients Are Really Looking For

Listeners on Twitter wanted to know what clients actually want from creative firms, so David makes a list based on his experience of what good clients want, while Blair's reaction is "who cares what clients want... all they wanted was a 'faster horse.'"

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David Baker